As a creator doer true vagabond protean skilled carpenter owner of top of the line Note 8, Note 4, & Note, I find the perpetual release of "ultra high tech" to be nothing more then groups of enslaved altruistic sheeples justifying their existence to a detached hierarchy that would sell their own mother for a rise in stock price.
IMHO the Note 9 improves nearly nothing of actual real world value. More over the successive plops coming off the assembly lines has been a drag on efficiency, sanity, and bank account. Surely the duped paritioners of consumerism with more dollars then sense will cheer on the latest in a massive line up of useless gadgetry. Murphy's law should be empirical "If it aint broke then don't fix it".
If the obvious failure to produce anything with REAL improvements eludes you, perhaps you should take time to meditate. Introspection sans propaganda(see Edward l Bernays) might just allow your ability to think critically to return from wherever it was shoved down to?
Speaking from experience as a creator of nearly everything that surrounds me and makes my life and income possible it is a fact that churning out technology and advances in technology in less than a year's time is a joke on the population at Large not to mention a prophet windfall for banks and telecoms that are now in the loan business. You will have to get up goddamn early in the morning for years to try to convince me there's any substance to the idiotic capitalist claim that actual technology could possibly be advancing one year at a time? Frankly that is up there on the list of the "Stupidest Things I Have Ever Heard"! As I hold hold in my hand technology from 7 years ago that is if not more effective is at least as effective at providing efficiency novelty and thoughtful design. After 2 years the only thing useful for the Note 8 for is listening to music and using it as a paperweight for my drawings.
Honestly the duping through consumerism's seemingly endless supply of propaganda ultimately squelching any intelligent thought or reasoning has all but killed the core idea that supposed free markets will be producing better items at less expense is complete hogwash. Not presented with any sort of meaningful advances in income yet the items get more expensive and really do nothing well should really be telling everyone to step off the train to despotism!
Tuck and roll baby! f*** your stuff.