Just want to mention. Above all the glorious specifications, they have very good warranty on-site service:-D. In 9 months, I have already 3rd motherboard replacing due to hardware faults. First was gpu, 2nd was realtek audio, tomorrow they are going to fix usb3 charging (very much discussed on dell forum) with tb16 docking station (which is also vary bad and noisy). I never saw blue screen in last 10 years but with 5530 it is very common. Realtek audio drivers are so buggy that i have to be avare to not let win 10 to download update, there is only one that works from far past. Also really stupid and annoing Maxx audio. I cannot upgrade quadro driver from dell support anymore via product ID because its telling me it is not compatiple with my ID. Should I continue? I am about to give it back now! Before that, i had two hp worksattions without any problem, never. They were just noisy and heavy. Than I was recommended by colleages to go for dell. Never again. Hp are heavier/noisier but reliable. No dell. Not anymore!