Thank you for posting this. As someone who is looking for eGPU solutions, THIS was very effective! Your review managed to calm down some of my fears, and help me determine the solution for my needs. Thanks again for all your hard work!
If you have a chance, I would also like to see some specific tests run in the future.
1) Use a desktop with a 4x pcie slot and tb3 to do eGPU comparison. CPU, ram, and gpu clocks play a large role in frame rates, and it would be nice to see frame rates of the eGPU's 1080 card plugged into the 4x slot of a system, the 16x slot of the system, and of course, plugged into the Aorus graphics box hardware using tb3. This will give meaningful information of 4x vs 16 x vs tb3. As far as I know, this has not been done yet.
2) I would like to know the performance costs of external 4k. I understand you didn't have a 4k display. I guess were all not made of $.
3) Out of curiosity, I would like to know the performance cost of rendering 4k on the internal display. I anticipate it will be severe, and it would be nice to know if tb3 will have the bandwidth to do this.