After paying with an Envy with Ryzen 5 2500u I have the following comments:
The machine is alright. It works as advertise. Though it has a few drawbacks:
- When running tests, make sure it's plugged in, otherwise your will be surely disappointed with the results. Its night and day.
- The screen is not bright enough
- Battery could last longer
- AMD needs to provide better drivers for the Vega card, as is results on cpumonkey are disappointing, under 16% compared to others. Though cinbench paints a diff picture.
- Make sure you enable virtualization mode in the BIOS of you plan on using VMWare.
-VMware Workstation 12.5 behaves as expected at 80% of the performance though it does not leverage the GPU.
So, just be aware, it's a nice laptop that is faster than most 7700hq and i7 8550u processors. Though it falls behind with respect to the i5 8250u with an intel UHD 620.
If AMD can address the blue performance of Vega, through a driver. Intel should begin to worry.
that was purchased yesterday. I'm a bit disappointed with the graphics performance.