@ vollpfosten
Da hat einer den Sub unter Win7 zum Laufen bekommen. Hatte wohl nen älteren Vista-Treiber installiert (vermute mal den von der europ. Toshiba Seite) und dann was von ner Vista installation rüberkopiert oder so...
"Re: X205-SLI5 Windows 7
01-05-2009 10:59 AM
Quick update, I have the sound finally working with the subwoofer in Windows 7, I had to download an older Realtek driver off of the website, it was not designed for Vista or Windows 7 so it pops up with a warning at the begining when you try to open the very old Realtek Audio Manager, but what I went ahead and did was installed the latest Realtek Driver off of the Toshiba Website, then I restarted, I went ahead and opened up Windows Vista and copied over the Realtek folder from Program Files, and stuck it in Program Files on Windows 7, restarted, and now everything works fine, and the volume knob works now too, its all integrated into the Windows 7 interface so you can see what the volume is at by looking at the normal Windows 7 volume icon. Now that I've pretty much figured everything out about getting Windows 7 on an X205, I'm thinking about posting the tutorial on how to do it. I hope you guys liked this, and I hope this works for you too, if you have any questions, feel free to reply to this and I'll help you out. Best of luck to anyone who tries this also! "
Den Treiber bei mir mit Double Driver zu extrahieren hat leider nicht geklappt - Double Driver ist wohl nicht Win7 kompatibel. Das müsste einer mit Win Vista Probieren der den letzten Europ. Toshi-Treiber installiert hat.