I got this laptop ($1200) model and I am extremely pleased with its performance. The NVIDIA 965m handles most games on ultra graphics with little to no problems. I like the display, I opted for the 1080p Matte display and although there is a little back light bleed which is hardly noticeable it looks sharp and crisp with most of the games i play. The cooling is excellent, it has duel cooler-master fans that can be toggled on max performance when the computer is on heavy load that keeps the computer very comfortable on the lap. MSI also packs the notebook with "shift" technology which allows the user to easily toggle between different modes based on desired performance. The laptop boots very fast without the ssd, about 8-10 seconds. The wireless is top notch, it has no problems receiving a solid 5gh signal from across my house. One of the larger issues i think i have with the computer is the build quality. Although its pretty solid, the materials used makes it feel cheap and the brushed aluminum is a perpetual fingerprint issue. The cpu and the gpu also don't seem to be a very good match with one another. The CPU is an absolute beast but usually runs much hotter then the GPU especially during normal activities. Typically i see that the CPU runs around 70-75 C where as my Gpu will stay around 50-60C during the same workload. Overall I'm really happy with this machine, my happiness greatly outweighs my dissatisfaction and I think I made a good purchase when i decided to get this laptop.