Quote from: Lou Stoole on February 19, 2025, 12:59:02Where is NikoB by the way?
Yeah, I miss him aswell. Without his expert analysis, difficult for me to make a decision on whether to get this or not. I hope he writes here again soon.
Quote from: astolfo on February 19, 2025, 15:58:32-138W power consumption and that's while using its iGPU (lol)
Bit confused. In one place in this review it does state this figure but in another it states short term 86W, drops to 70W for a few min before then eventually settling down / leveling off to 62W. So which one is it exactly? Unless one is a comparison of when connected to mains, fully unthrottled, total device power vs on battery, just cpu+gpu package power, and throttled.
I'm more inclined to believe that it's nowhere near 138W on battery because that'd imply 30 min battery life and worst case here shows 50 min. Other reviews have shown with few tweaks / running in a lower profile - you get substantial wattage savings with no much performance loss - so I think it's a bit disingenuous to state this number outright without giving the correct context.
Quote from: astolfo on February 19, 2025, 15:58:32-Niche form factor (and heavy for a tablet)
Agreed about the weight. Although tbf all 10"+ tablets are just too heavy to hold for long durations. The best size for weight is 7" and then you don't have enough screen real estate. So I'm not even sure it'd matter much in real world use cases even if it weighed as much as 13" iPad or an android tablet.
Quote from: astolfo on February 19, 2025, 15:58:32-Expensive
True, again no argument here. But how many other devices are in this form factor and can have up to 128GB of soldered ram? Anything even remotely similar does not come cheap either. So it's literally competing in a segment by itself which allows Asus to do apple like pricing here.
I think I will wait to see what the zbook ultra g1a brings and how it compares. Which should be out end of March, the last time I asked hp rep on webchat.