The battery type in g75 is Li-Ion, less used nowadays, but holds it's capacity over the years better than Li-Po. It only underlines motorolas dedication to come with a phone that will actually last. Same for displays, LCD displays have longer lifespan than the phone itself, not true for OLEDs. That's enough for me to buy this phone. Only better would be the battery to be 6000mAh, but I haven't seen any 6Ah li-ion battery in any smartphones, so for longevity, better 5Ah Li-Ion than 6Ah Li-Po.
In our company, we have battery back-uped control units for our machines (9 machines - all have 3 control units). Older (2 units manufactured 2011, 2 in 2015) were equipped with 1200mAh Li-Ion cells, newer (5 machines manufactured between 2017-2019) have 1600mAh Li-Po cells. The control units are used daily in 24/7 production, it's basically detachable keyboard with Bluetooth and radio antena. We changed only 4 control units with the Li-Ion batteries (they swapped it for Li-Ion packs sadly) and we changed Li-Ion packs like dozen times already despite bigger capacity and newer man. date.