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Age before beauty: Why a decade-old laptop is more than enough

Started by Redaktion, July 17, 2024, 21:00:44

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Quote from: sam2 on July 18, 2024, 23:38:29Maybe the reason you can't watch it in good quality is your old 2014 70% sRGB screen?
Firstly, the screen is 72% NTSC, secondly, color rendition has nothing to do with this topic of bitrate per pixel, and thirdly, you are just another ignorant man in the street who doesn't understand why you can't watch 1080p video on the YT screen and it's undesirable even 1440p , if there is a 4k source. 1080p is a forced choice only in the absence of higher resolutions.

You should take a crash course in self-education about bitrate per pixel. And also carefully compare the quality of 4k video on an fhd and 1080p screen.

There were already people here who wanted to argue with me, and all arguments were immediately lost, even with their own screenshots as "evidence".

This is why stupid reviews that a 2013 laptop is enough for them to watch high-quality videos on YT cause nothing but a smile from real experts.

The first laptops with real working support for VP9 appeared around the second half of 2015, but rather en masse in 2016.
This is the cut-off point before and after. All laptop hardware up to VP9 support does not provide smooth playback at 4k@60fps, and therefore does not provide high-quality video.

And AMD, in fact, a working VP9 decoder appeared only in 2020 in May (starting with Zen+) with the release of the next version of drivers. But it loaded the processor and igpu much more than Intel.


Quote from: NikoB on July 19, 2024, 22:38:47
Quote from: sdfghj on July 19, 2024, 16:14:02Bitrate literally IS color rendition, because video compression is done in color space
What kind of nonsense are you writing, noob?

All reasonable people will simply select 1080p and 4k resolution on the fhd screen on YT and see for themselves that I am 100% right. One stubborn debater with me posted a bunch of his own screenshots (not even a dynamic video!), assuring everyone that there was no difference, despite the fact that the difference there was huge.

I laugh at amateurs every time. Time after time, but they are the majority on the planet, so this nonsense will never stop on the forums...

Snob much?

Frankly IDK if the video I'm watching on a portable device is <= 720P!!!

IMHO: 4K video is for the 4K big screen in the living room with Gigabit Internet.
(Even then WHO CARES? Nobody sits close enough to really see the difference anyway)


Quote from: Bizarro_NikoB on July 17, 2024, 23:19:54"Linux is not the complicated boogeyman it once was"

Linux DEs are utter garbage and WILL NEVER EVER - mark my words ---> NEVER EVER be mainstream with the way they are currently developed and maintained. I'm so sick of neckbeards and dry eggs pushing there linux fanboy propaganda arguing it's a viable alternative when these distros can't hold a candle to apple/msft in terms of stability, reliability, and app availability and yes, I'm talking about the desktop enviroments not the servers running linux just to remove that talking point.

So sick of people lying about how its a great user experience yet never disclose just how much hoops they probably had to jump through just to get it stable let alone the constant breaking changes pushed via updates because of the elitist fragmented mindset of most linux maintainers Then there's the community that is so arrogant and toxic. Yeah no. 

Someone once said Linux DEs are like a hundred recipes for the "perfect mac and cheese" that are never as good as the box you buy from the store. Words have never been truer and its a shame, because it would be nice if there was a true legit third-party alternative to the MSFT/Apple monopoly but right now Linux DEs are not it.

"Linux is only free if your time is worthless"

I've been running this laptop on linux for 10 years, so far nothing ever broke that required me to jump through any hoops. If anything, I've had more issues with Windows and MacOS breaking over these years that required going through hoops to fix

Of course I understand everyone's experience would vary depending on what they deal with.

The issue has 0 to do with DEs stability and reliability. And everything to do with that linux is simply not there on most computers when you buy them. As they are not available, you are dealing with hit or miss on your hardware. Lately it has been a lot more hit than misses, but nothing is absolute

As for software availability, that will always be catch 22, until Linux Desktop becomes more popular, you aren't going to get more software, at least not unless most software goes into the cloud or becomes wasm.

The notion of fragmentation is nonsense though. All distros are is preconfigured defaults. You pick whatever default you like that requires you to configure less

For a new user with an old pc, opt for an LTS distro. For a new user with a new pc, opt for an LTS distro with latest kernel.

As for DEs, for new computers I suggest KDE(especially if you like to do heavy customization, but default is fine too) or Cinnamon, for old pcs MATE. Of course any DE works fine.

Quote from: jkhjhjbj on July 18, 2024, 14:54:26also yeah, you can replace hdd, wow. for another slow sata drive.

Well worth it, the magic of an ssd is the fast access times. In real life, the jump from HDD to slowest sata ssd is larger than jump from slowest sata ssd to fastest nvme ssd. Unless you spend all your time copying huge files for sequential r/w (which is very rare)


Quote from: NikoB on July 19, 2024, 22:38:47One stubborn debater with me posted a bunch of his own screenshots (not even a dynamic video!), assuring everyone that there was no difference, despite the fact that the difference there was huge.
You were asked WHY do you need that sharpness on your 15 inch dim bad screen lol and you still can't answer anything except "because I want to". Why not 8K, retard? Are you like using your awful laptop only to pixel peep fullscreen youtube videos?
Quote from: NikoB on July 19, 2024, 22:38:47All reasonable people
Are those "people" here with us, in this room? Or are they all just you with different names. I don't even know people who watch fullscreen youtube anymore. Maybe some old jobless guys who don't have anything to do with their laptops.


Quote from: lol on July 21, 2024, 16:45:32
Quote from: NikoB on July 19, 2024, 22:38:47One stubborn debater with me posted a bunch of his own screenshots (not even a dynamic video!), assuring everyone that there was no difference, despite the fact that the difference there was huge.
You were asked WHY do you need that sharpness on your 15 inch dim bad screen lol and you still can't answer anything except "because I want to". Why not 8K, retard? Are you like using your awful laptop only to pixel peep fullscreen youtube videos?
Heh, that "one stubborn debater" is me, here are the posts, check his comments and you will clearly see that that's exactly what he does (pixel-peel YT vids):

Quote from: Neenyah on May 12, 2024, 16:25:32
Quote from: NikoB on May 12, 2024, 15:41:30
Quote from: Victor Lilley on May 12, 2024, 13:35:12It would be more useful to me, having already bought it, if it made concrete suggestions, on a external monitor, that would overcome the disadvantages of the internal screen, bearing in mind the limitations of the current graphics card.
From my comment you can already draw a practical conclusion when watching YouTube - never choose a resolution lower than 4k (if available) on a 2.5k screen

1080p on a 2.5K screen:
2160p on a 2.5K screen:

Striking difference... Not.


Quote from: Neenyah on May 12, 2024, 22:37:01
Quote from: NikoB on May 12, 2024, 22:32:58Here is a typical example of how a low bitrate merges everything into a shapeless mess:
We look at the treetops from 11:48 in 1080p and then in 4k.
There you go:

1080p @ 2.5K screen:
2160p @ 2.5K screen:

Now go bark at that same tree you dumb lying moron.


Quote from: NikoB on May 13, 2024, 09:49:25Dumb moron, even the dumbest reader will instantly see the difference in real screenshots, not fabricated ones:
Real 1080p from Youtube:
Real 1080p from Youtube:
Zoom for 100% and switch fast both in browser

It's enough just to scroll carefully on the fhd screen to immediately see the monstrous difference in detail between 1080p and 4k, and even more so without a paid Premium subscription, deliberately imposed by Google through the deterioration of the 1080p bitrate without it.

You moron already disgraced yourself earlier when you quietly merged from the thread regarding the clarity of the text in Chrome under the pressure of irrefutable evidence from your own screenshots.

And it's morons like these who slow down progress. Or corrupt. paid trolls masquerading as ordinary people or simply real morons in terms of intelligence. You are more likely from the second category.

After that he kept spamming a load of his usual trash to proclaim himself victorious and superior, check the full discussion if you are interested into it.

Quote from: lol on July 21, 2024, 16:45:32
Quote from: NikoB on July 19, 2024, 22:38:47All reasonable people
Are those "people" here with us, in this room? Or are they all just you with different names. I don't even know people who watch fullscreen youtube anymore. Maybe some old jobless guys who don't have anything to do with their laptops.
Well said 👍


IMHO: The FACTS of the matter is that EVERYONE has different use cases and needs/requirements to fill them.

Sure while generalizations can be made and some users "grouped" into categories with other similar users not everyone always 'fits'.

It may not make any sense to other but we all decide what is important to US.

With the above said IMHO there is NO "must have" feature that was introduced in laptops (or computers in general) in the last +10yrs. Does that mean that I have NOT purchased any devices for +10yrs? No. Just because I kept purchasing different devices for different reasons does not mean they had anything 'special' about them.

It is mostly because I could. :)


I agree with the article. I'm also still on a 10 year old desktop computer. An i3-4160 with integrated HD 4400 graphics. No dGPU. It works still fine for many things, e.g. internet, documents, 2D image editing, audio editing, 3d modelling (blender) and animation, smaller projects in Unity game engine, casual gaming (titles before 2010). Though as I mentioned in a previous post, the biggest difference in performance made a SSD versus a previous HDD.

A lot of universal tasks can be done just fine - contrary to many people's opinions in forums and youtubers, who act like you will always need the latest and bestest, every new year of course, and if you don't, you can't do s#it. Which is B.S.

The thing where I personally realized it's too slow, is video editing, screen recording, newer gaming. These things definitely need a better computer. There is no way around that. But for other tasks, even a 10 year old computer will probably do. But even if you need a better computer, it's debatable if you need one with a dGPU or if a more current iGPU is enough, since these have become much stronger.


While in the 1980's a family MIGHT own ONE computer that was expected to do it all.

However now in 2024 things have changed:

- I retired after +40yrs of my EMPLOYER(s) providing whatever computing device(s) I needed to do my job for them

- 'Home computing' tasks are split between Smart Phone, Tablet, Laptop and Desktop systems. Obviously not all devices can do everything the other devices can do.

The iPhone10 won't be getting updates much longer, a few tablets are already OBS, the OSX laptops are VERY down revision and the WIN laptops are almost all WIN10.

They ALL have software and applications on them that I installed shortly after purchase and surely many if not ALL the applications have 'new and improved' versions out that I have no need or use for.

While the MAC, Tablets and Phone have modern current release browsers installed the WIN machines sit behind TWO HW Firewalls with MS Blocked and may only venture out to the 'internet' to get the current version of Steam and download & update a game or two. (which are OFFLINE games)

Maybe someday MS will get a handle on any application being able to access & write anywhere however in 2024 that is not the case.

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