Before Snapdragon X, the fastest RAM latency has been a desktop RAM with, IIRC, 29.6ns. AIDA64 has measured for Snapdragon X the fastest RAM latency 7.4ns.
7.4ns * 4 = 29,6ns.
The alleged acceleration has the factor 4.
On my office PC, I do not care for RAM speeds because my applications on it are slow so it does not matter. On my PC with dGPU, the applications for the dGPU benefit from low latencies so it does matter.
Other people have other needs. For some it matters - for others it does not matter. That's why, usually, NBC makes every test for every device; in particular NBC tests RAM speeds for most notebooks (other than Apple's, for which testing them seems to be harder).
One might argue that first generation Snapdragon X notebooks are so restricted in their capabilities that RAM latency would not matter. However, many reviewers like to test demanding softwares on these notebooks and NBC provides AIDA64 numbers apparently thinking that it might interest some people - those with demanding softwares.
Thanks for confirming that I am the only one who has discovered the issue - affirmation by an anonymous is, wait for it, affirming;)
Databases (or any strongly latency-dependent software) work in the manner one tells them to work. If one programs and tells them to reside in RAM during program execution with automated database operations, they can test the impact of RAM latency on such a software.