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Tesla Cybertruck owner's ordeal while towing 11,000 pound boat proves just how impractical it is over long distances

Started by Redaktion, June 26, 2024, 18:13:42

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Quote from: Really? on June 27, 2024, 15:25:21Perfect example of the media working against Elon to hurt him making all of you look like fools in the process. Article is full of crap proof is in the description of travel. Towing a 40 foot trailer and boat weighing 4000lbs. What was he towing a raft?
4000lbs is the weight of the trailer alone. Total weight was probably close to the 11,000lbs towing capacity if not, actually 3000lbs over because title says 11,000lbs boat.
Ps built and delivered boats for 20yrs.
Get over it people and stop wasting your lives on something that does not concern you in any way.

Hahaha, you built and delivered boats for 20 years and now claim that a pontoon boat like the one in the video weighs 11,000lbs with the trailer? Are you on crack or just another pathetic Elon/Tesla apologist!?


25mpg to 15mpg is the change I see in my old truck when towing a boat. Gas cars lose 40-50% of their "range" too when towing. You just fill up as the gas station more. Same thing different day. Why is this even news?


The fact that this comes as a surprise to some people only serves to highlight the lack of intelligence among Tesla Cybertruck owners and, to some extent, the broader community.



I don't understand why people write articles about how bad the Cybertruck towing efficiency is when towing with any vehicle drops the efficiency to 30%-60%. There is nothing special going on here.

I towed a Mini Countryman with a Model X. The cost of towing and only charging at superchargers from the Pacific Ocean to the Atlantic Ocean was $4 less, than had I used a gas vehicle that was not towing.

The savings are 100% there!


This doesn't have much to do with the cybertruck, it is any EV pickup ever. Sure, it's an issue, but it's non-exclusive.


It's not useful for towing or hauling. It is meant to be sold as a status symbol. The only problem with that is it looks completely ridiculous.

Brad W

Quote from: RC II on June 26, 2024, 23:49:52rent an IC vehicle when needing to tow long distances, save lots of money and maintenance.  Not difficult.
Finding a vehicle to rent for towing is actually extremely difficult.


The Cybertruck has power, great.  Power to do what?  It most certainly doesn't have the power to tow.  Does the cybertruck have ample bed room like similar ICE trucks of the same size?  Those who can afford cybertrucks have jobs that aren't physical, like construction.  The "truck" is a status symbol for the white collar employee.  The cybertruck just isn't practical.  It's an oversized Tesla sedan.


Itll be really funny to see all the electric vehicles burning in a pile when folks realize the impact it takes to produce them, and the lack of resources to outfit a planet in evs. It was never going to be possible. Short sighted thinking that is making the situation worse already. Just so we can have a ton of uneducated folks driving around planet crushing vehicles, while that listen to yacht rock. Hydrogen is and always will be the answer. The infrastructure is attainable, and the fuel is basically clean as it gets. Lets stop talking about how "awsome" our stupid evs are, and put some effort into cleaner more sustainable fuel now, instead of just acting like we've solved the problem. Sorry you folks wasted your money lining someone else's pocket for a very costly weaker alternative.

Jason Easterman

This is amazing. To have a zero carbon footprint vehicle, MAKE A HYBRID. Combine Tesla's Truck with the WATER ENGINE, that Musk just invented. Should extend the range d bit,sybe double or triple the range.x10 the range. Also, need a motor transmission that shifts number of windings of copper on the armature. I mean seriously? There are design issues not being addressed. This is easy enough to solve. But I doubt just anyone could. I saw the Enron hybrid energy exhibit 8n Chicago in the 1980's and frankly, for some reason people don't think like that.

Well if someone needs help, call me.

Mage AmenRa

At the moment the best way to carry a quantity of energy is compression of the lightest metal. Perhaps creation of a pure proton metal would exceed the density of compression of the vapor. One can be sure our energy needs are coming from the proton. ExxonMobil is creating a decarbonizion device to produce 1 billion gallons a day in equivalent hydrogen. Sourced from natural gas our most abundant energy source. Agriculture can easily be involved in composting to source methane. The resulting CO² from the process should be feed to organic life, as a more efficient with a lower impact environmentally. Greenhouse grown hemp can produce many profitable products, even eventually replacing alcohol as a social libation putting the stars in Starbucks. Hemp fiber, and feed for cattle. All of this would move a lot of agriculture indoors, perhaps in long tunnels under ground. Summing up that studies show HEMP is an excellent absorption candidate for CO² while requiring less water than cotton. All of this puts H² in a bottle which has an energy density attractive for aircraft fuel. That 90 bar bottle of hydrogen will tow your boat around the world while also powering the boat in the water. The future in very different as we discover how to increase compression, and how to make generators that fit the palm of your hand so that your power tools run on the blue gas. I long ago invented a better wind machine back in 1980. Investors told me it had no future, I love to live long enough to see this proven wrong. Energy is the ultimate currency, Elon is learning how true that is.


where did the electric come from? Fossil fuel. I saw a video the other day of a Tesla charging station being powered by a diesel generator.


Stop complaining about the 11,000 pounds thing, it literally says that it's 4000! Reading comprehension skills are lacking.

"A Tesla Cybertruck owner, through a YouTube video, shared his real-life experience of using the contentious pickup truck to tow his boat on a 40-foot trailer, with a total weight of an estimated 4,000 pounds - which happens to be significantly lower than the dual-motor version's maximum towing capacity of 11,000 pounds."

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