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Tesla Cybertruck owner's ordeal while towing 11,000 pound boat proves just how impractical it is over long distances

Started by Redaktion, June 26, 2024, 18:13:42

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Good morning Ken C, ty for that scripture ref.  He can have 2 trucks, one for towing and one for charging.  :)


Perfect example of the media working against Elon to hurt him making all of you look like fools in the process. Article is full of crap proof is in the description of travel. Towing a 40 foot trailer and boat weighing 4000lbs. What was he towing a raft?
4000lbs is the weight of the trailer alone. Total weight was probably close to the 11,000lbs towing capacity if not, actually 3000lbs over because title says 11,000lbs boat.
Ps built and delivered boats for 20yrs.
Get over it people and stop wasting your lives on something that does not concern you in any way.


Besides being a hideous looking pile of trash, it's overpriced and worthless, a boobie prize for someone who wishes to waste $. ALL ev are trash think about the RF that is screaming ad all ev are a giant lithium battery under your a** cooking your hemorrhoids and everything else. They can  ontrol your vehicle at will and the no taste in looks..YUCK garbage wait and see what happens within a short period of time. Keep on following what your told trolls. Tick tock ⏰️ 💥..enjoy the show 🍿

Paul Peterson

Quote from: A on June 26, 2024, 19:33:38For this to work, you probably want the v4 superchargers to be more common, and the extended range version of the cybertruck

That said, why didn't he cover his boat? He is paying a huge aerodynamics penalty. On top of that he is towing it backwards and not forward which makes aerodynamics even worse

It has been proven in tow tests that you'd rather tow something 5x heavier than poor aerodynamics. If he would have towed it forward and covered it in a cover, he'd like get at least double the range

Lol braindead Tesla shill.

Airforce ZAR

Are all these "Telsa fails happening in USA only cause Europe not as mich as these articles bring up"?

Howard Horton

And of course, they didn't carry out and document this wholy pointless exercise just to get more clicks on their you tube site.....

It's just about the most obvious outcome you could think of given the situation, assuming even a modicum of intelligence.  😂

Teslon Tusk

No issues with mine towing a trailer across 7 states. Guess mileage will vary when driver isn't keeping speed reasonable and boat pointing wrong way and not covered.

Todd V

Other than the standard Tesla love and hate commentary, seems almost everyone missed a major error in the article. The author stated effort declined by one third. They actually traveled 30 miles on the energy it takes to travel 100 miles. That's not a decline of one third, it's a 70 percent reduction. The 225 mile range is now just 68 miles. That seems to be....well, not good.


the electric power here in Ma. is generated with 60% fossil fuel.  with the line loss of the grid, loss in generator inefficiency, the battery loss due to charging loss, battery age loss, battery loss over parked-time, and cold loss, the driver is using an incredible amount of fossil fuel to power the "electric" truck/car. at the present time electric vehicles are wasting a lot of fossil fuel generated energy. think about leaving your lights on in the kitchen overnight.  you might not but the car uses that much electric because on one hill en-route.


Quote from: paoljjx on June 27, 2024, 18:15:07the electric power here in Ma. is generated with 60% fossil fuel.  with the line loss of the grid, loss in generator inefficiency, the battery loss due to charging loss, battery age loss, battery loss over parked-time, and cold loss, the driver is using an incredible amount of fossil fuel to power the "electric" truck/car. at the present time electric vehicles are wasting a lot of fossil fuel generated energy. think about leaving your lights on in the kitchen overnight.  you might not but the car uses that much electric because on one hill en-route.

The fact that i have to explain to you how electricity production works proves how incapable you are while your holding a smartphone in your hand.

You could look up facts about the physics if electricity production yet you don't and just make up stuff on your own.

Everything you wrote is simply wrong.

EV fan

The article seems fairly written. Although, I dsagree with referring to the monstrosity known as the CT as a pickup truck. So, to give it props saying that it goes fast for a pickup truck is not accurate.

[email protected]

Quote from: Todd V on June 27, 2024, 17:54:13Other than the standard Tesla love and hate commentary, seems almost everyone missed a major error in the article. The author stated effort declined by one third. They actually traveled 30 miles on the energy it takes to travel 100 miles. That's not a decline of one third, it's a 70 percent reduction. The 225 mile range is now just 68 miles. That seems to be....well, not good.

I don't see anywhere in the article where the author stated, "effort declined by one third."

I *do* see, however, where the author stated, "efficiency declined to a third [from ~100 to ~30]." That is an accurate statement.


Quote from: Jeremy on June 27, 2024, 16:07:45Besides being a hideous looking pile of trash, it's overpriced and worthless, a boobie prize for someone who wishes to waste $. ALL ev are trash think about the RF that is screaming ad all ev are a giant lithium battery under your a** cooking your hemorrhoids and everything else. They can  ontrol your vehicle at will and the no taste in looks..YUCK garbage wait and see what happens within a short period of time. Keep on following what your told trolls. Tick tock ⏰️ 💥..enjoy the show 🍿

Who is the troll?

Are you seriously trying to say that ice based personal transportation is better than evs?

So you somehow think burning gasoline, (which required how much fossil fuel energy to find, drill, extract, refine and deliver to the gas station) which drives hundreds of moving parts in your v8/automatic transmission drive train is superior in use of resources, ease of use, ease of maintenance, reliability, performance and effect on the environment?

Saying all evs are trash is not only about the most ignorantly absurd statement a person could make, it also proves you are just saying it to be a troll yourself. Because anyone who actually believes that to be true, especially after looking at the bigger picture as i have illustrated, wouldn't be mentally capable of even reading the article, let alone commenting on it.

It also means you have clearly not taken the time to think about the subject matter, which means you could care less. Further proving without a doubt, you are a troll and are inherently incapable of providing value to the conversation.

So, please, on behalf of all those who have opinions, regardless of their side, I say to you,

"STFU! Grown UPS are talking!"

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