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First Snapdragon X Elite laptop reviews point to disappointing gaming performance

Started by Redaktion, June 19, 2024, 08:43:00

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Quote from: Neenyah on June 19, 2024, 13:06:55And when he said (also Matthew Moniz, like they were reading the same script) that previously it was never possible to get the same performance on battery as when plugged in, now it's within 5% difference which of course isn't true with many laptops (ThinkPad T14s with the 7840U for example, literally identical performance on AC and on battery).

Those reviews seem also to be scripted when it comes to the AI Tests. In 3 reviews I have seen so far they all paint a house on a hill in this paint creator tool. Like you can't paint anything else 😅


Quote from: RobinLight on June 19, 2024, 14:14:51Those reviews seem also to be scripted when it comes to the AI Tests. In 3 reviews I have seen so far they all paint a house on a hill in this paint creator tool. Like you can't paint anything else 😅
Heh, good eye to spot! I didn't notice that at first at all. It's almost like propaganda - pointing out only good things, ignoring bad things, repeat it as often as possible by many different sources ("reviewers")... 😐


Quote from: AdrianK on June 19, 2024, 11:02:58Nobody in his right mind would play games on ultra settings with such Laptops.


So a new ARM APU with a iGPU performs poorly @ 1080P with 'Ultimate' settings?

Why on earth is ANYONE surprised by this?

Where ALL the reviews (and THIS site) FAILED to report exactly WHAT settings would need to be used for a decent gaming experience. (IE: is turning down to mere 'High' enough or does one have to use 'Medium' or <gasp> 'Low' settings to get a decent frame rate? Assuming of course a decent frame rate @ 1080P can be had with the titles tested.)

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