It's not a forrest, it's a plantation. It is a monoculture crop, planted expressly for the purpose of making...cardboard. These trees were due to be harvested, and the resulting cleared land was sold to Tesla for the purpose of providing jobs and electric vehicles to Europe.
Tesla no longer uses cobalt in their batteries. Tesla is using so little water, far below what was permitted, that they were cited for their sewage being too concentrated and required to waste some of the highly purified recycled water from the production process.
BEV batteries are highly recyclable and there will b a point in global electrification where the majority of needed battery minerals are recycled, not mined new. That will never be the case with fossil fuel vehicles. Tesla car batteries are currently lasting 400,000 miles and more with minimal (10%) degradation over a decade. The FUD about having to buy a $20,000 battery in 5 years is idiotic and not based on fact, truth or science.