I'll one up the author on his claim that buying used wouldnt be a compromise that most people will take, I ran a cx750 PSU that I literally pulled out of a dump for 5 years because I didn't have the money to buy a brand new or even used one of the same quality, I ram 16gb of ddr3 from 3 different computers again, pulled out of the dump to save money, up until my most recent build, I didn't have a single brand new part, all in the spirit of saving money, I managed to put together an i7 4790k and a gtx 1060 build for about £300 back in 2018 all because I mounted it all on a piece of fiberboard I found and foraged for most of the other parts, this author is so backwards in thinking that people wouldnt be inclined to buy used parts that the article comes off as almost comedic, aside from the fact that building any pc with a comparable price tag and performance to a ps5 is an impressive feat to begin with