How are the leaders of North America and Europe going to ensure the survival of social systems in a post-industrial regime? It is possible to return to industrialism only with an even greater degradation of the population's education - otherwise who will go to work in factories and factories with difficult working conditions, except for people from more primitive societies? (What was recently clearly demonstrated at the new TSMC factories that are being built in the USA is that they were unable to find qualified engineers in several states at once, and those who were found immediately filed complaints about the working conditions at the level of pay that they were offered after working a little.) Which is inevitable. lead to poor assimilation (and this is almost always the case if the process is not of high quality, i.e. the host society has sufficient resources for this) to the introduction of a different mentality in society and the loss of rights of the indigenous population, after they inevitably become a minority in society. Those. the conditional "white majority" (this is more a term for a certain mental development than for skin color and race) in the USA and the EU gradually finds itself in the role of Indians in North America, the only difference is that then the unfortunate Indians lost due to lower development (and this is also less in number relative to the arriving waves), and now everything is exactly the opposite - the quantity, the influx of low-quality (in terms of mental development) immigrants is gradually turning into a qualitative defeat of the indigenous population (in democratic elections, when the majority wins, not the minority), which does not wants to take everything into his own hands because of his weakened state. After all, no one wants to fall down the social ladder until they are confronted with the cruel fact that they are already there.
And now Asia is approaching the same thing - China first of all. They also ran into the "middle income" trap and their industrial phase is quickly coming to an end with the exhaustion of the working class willing to work for pennies, which means a loss of competitiveness, which is why Western capital began to withdraw capital about 8-10 years ago, which directly correlates with some a level of mental development that stops the birth rate below the population maintenance level. The difference is that their society is quite monolithic and practically (like Japanese and Korean) does not accept massive waves of strangers with a different mentality, which is both their strength and weakness - Japan, for example, has already panicked in this regard, quickly losing its workforce, especially at the lower level and changing the laws on expats and immigration to suit this matter. China, due to its huge population, has enormous inertia, but this is also its Achilles heel - a fatal mistake in long-term management will inevitably destroy the entire society, even with subsequent, correct, but fleeting attempts to correct everything. The probability of a social catastrophe there is maximum, given the increasing degree of inadequacy of leadership and the growing complexity of society over the past 25 years.
What (decrease in population to a certain point), from my point of view, is generally normal and correct with the development of civilization, with adequate growth in productivity, which is only possible in a society with a fair distribution of the results of labor, i.e. minimizing the cohort of systemic parasites. Which releases ever larger sections of the population only into intellectual activity, and it requires a very high level of mental development, which in turn makes increasingly strong intellectual demands on the managerial/kleptocratic stratum in order to skillfully manipulate public opinion and control it in their own interests. That is, progress in society and the interests of kleptocrats are completely opposite. Progress increases social and civil pressure on them, leads to a forced optimization of their numbers, downwards, demanding from them a constant increase in productivity (as they, the exploiting classes, demand from workers, cynically reducing, at the same time, their incomes in real purchasing power ability of fiat money, the last 50 years in developed countries, especially in the USA), regression allows them to exist comfortably and expand their presence in society (and leads to the growth of nepotism and, ultimately, to the feudal/slave-owning classes), until the moment there is an obvious collapse of society due to the loss of adequacy in management (especially in the presence of at least some external competition between societies - this is why they need this system to become legal at the global level, although global resource management, with effective and productive leadership, is generally useful for the development of civilization) due to the degeneration of system parasites, for the same reasons for which they deliberately trigger the debilitation of society, as soon as they take over after another collapse in the past - social elevators and meritocracy of society are lost, which inevitably leads to the degradation of management and society as a whole.