Your stupidity and amateurishness are so amazing that readers are probably already making fun of you.
I wrote how to enable the autocalibrator in the newest versions of Adrenaline. But unfortunately, because you are a dyslexic person, you will not be able to understand the sequence for this. Even with a screenshot. Even if draw a red arrow to it check box, you won't see it, because you are also colorblind.
By the way, all the latest versions of Adrenaline do not work correctly (intentionally) with VP9/HEVC Zen/Zen+ hardware decoders. It is enough to install the 2020 drivers and the difference in processor load is amazing for the better, as is the drop in noise level. In old drivers, the frequency stays below 1.7 GHz when the decoder is running at 4k@60fps on YouTube, with new drivers in 2024 it jumps to 3 GHz and higher. The processor load is 3 times higher. With a completely updated system and VP9 from MStore. It is for this reason that Lenovo, for example, deliberately does not update video drivers for older series of laptops, despite the fact that support for these series is stated until 2026, and the number of new versions of Adrenaline since then has been measured in dozens...
So the AMD driver writers remain as crooked as they were. The only question is whether this was done intentionally - to try to artificially displace owners of old laptops to new hardware, or whether they are just idiots. I think this was done intentionally - artificial aging of old hardware by deliberately degrading the performance of the drivers.
As you know, AMD is the first to refuse support for older video cards; NVidia has supported it much longer, but alas, its drivers still do not have a built-in autocalibrator for sRGB by EDID.