All laptops (no exceptions) should have a minimum of 220-230 ppi today. As are smartphones. It looks already simply indecent against the background of muddy fonts in browsers based on chromium and of course in chrome. Due to incorrect black and white anti-aliasing (shadows where they should not be). It is impossible to turn off this nasty wrong anti-aliasing due to the fault of the bastards from Google (pure evil corporation for many years) and M$ neither in Chrome nor in Edge under Windows. Under Linux, this can be done as a command line option.
All people on the planet who use Chrome at ppi much lower than 200, and fhd screens usually have no more than 150 and even less - literally spoil their eyesight and I can easily prove this with screenshots of correct and incorrect anti-aliasing.
The only way to solve this problem in such crappy browsers is to put only 4k panels in all laptops.
On smartphones, this essentially happened - you can't find a smartphone with ppi below 250 anymore. Therefore, bastards from Google don't care about desktops and laptops with low ppi - this is simply not their main monetization platform on the planet. They make money primarily on smartphones, and there is simply no problem due to muddy incorrect anti-aliasing. shadows and blurry text are no longer noticeable at ppi above about 220-230.
In addition, only 4k panels provide a perfectly sharp picture for fhd video - the most common on the planet right now. Because 4k perfectly resizes to fhd - 4 points turn into 1. With stupid 2.5k panels, this will not work - they are not integer divisible by 1920.
Large corporations and TNCs have brought the situation through their fault (and the stupidity of the majority of the world's population) to the point of absurdity.