@nope @a
Regarding Tesla's promises of cheaper EVs, I'll believe it when I see it. Nowadays EVs still cost over 30,000$, while brand new ICE cars can be had for as low as 10,000$, so as things currently stand it can take many years to break even with EVs.
QuoteFeatures like that are becoming the norm
Ah yes, the infamous agreeable, spineless consumer. I bet you just love having your inalienable right to privacy taken from you. Screw me harder daddy Elon, amirite? Your mindset is no different than that of a victim in an abusive relationship. You don't have to accept car makers' BS policies. Vote with your wallet, buy an older car if you have to.
Quote(and mandated by law)
Not in my country. Why won't you vote out tyrannical politicians?
Quoteto monitor things like driver fatigue
Ohhh it's for our safety? I don't need a trillion dollar corpo to keep me safe. I'm a responsible adult. In fact, the chance that I'll drive while being sleepy or intoxicated is significantly lower than the chance that you'll plow through a group of pedestrians in a fit of madness- should Tesla also install a pistol in the cockpit to neutralize you just in case (you know, for the safety of the innocent pedestrians)?
QuoteICE cars either have or will get them soon too
Can you guess which ICE car won't get them? My current, trusty ICE car. And the second-hand market, too, for years to come.
Quoteand they are in far more private locations than your car
False assumption.
Quoteget privacy blockers
BS solution. The EV won't drive until I remove the privacy blockers, will it?
QuoteAn EV is not heavier than a big SUV/Truck
You misunderstood me- EVs are heavier than comparable (meaning, similarly-sized) ICE cars.
Quoteanyone still selling new ICE vehicles by then can pretty much prepare to close shop as they simply won't be competitive.
I'm not against that, but color me skeptical.
QuotePrice of batteries have been dropping rapidly every year
Wrong. bloomberg (.) com /news/articles/2022-12-06/battery-prices-climb-for-first-time-just-as-more-evs-hit-market.
Quoteas for incombustable and undegradable, that would defy the laws of physics
There are multiple types of battery technologies under development, such as solid-state battery, that are incombustible. And the 2%-per-year battery degradation is a deal-breaker for me, especially with current battery prices (I can't imagine my car's gas tank shrinking 2% a year), as well as the slow charging time.
dailymail (.) co (.) uk /sciencetech/article-7588631/Scientists-develop-incombustible-lithium-ion-battery-following-Samsung-Note-7-fiasco.html
finance (.) yahoo (.) com /news/ceramic-battery-could-replace-lithium-190000584.html
engadget (.) com /lithium-ion-battery-salt-fireproofing-213055538.html
QuoteIRA requires domestic content for mining, processing and manufacturing of ... EVs and their batteries
Until that happens, the CCP will laugh all the way to the bank.