Knowingly false propaganda, based on nothing.
Look, for example, at the film "Dark Waters" 2019 about how brazenly large corporations sold "teflon" that is obviously dangerous for the life of future generations in household goods, such as frying pans, etc. And the person who started it is still fighting these creatures, despite the fact that scientific harm has long been 100% proven. As has long been scientifically proven harm from flicker.
So what if the illiterate and stupid crowd does not notice the long-term damage to their nervous system?
In the same way, a crowd of sheep smokes now. Some sheep deny the harm of radiation, microwaves, etc. But they pay for everything later, years and decades later. So far, the bastards in the TNR are selling goods and technologies that are obviously harmful and hazardous to health, rubbing their hands and counting huge profits.
Only interested persons (and this is pure corruption and crime) in this industry and idiots can deny the harm from flickering AMOLED screens and any other with low-frequency PWM.
Once upon a time, tobacco companies quietly sold cigarettes. And even now these creatures sell them everywhere. As well as alcohol. As well as in the United States, soft drugs are now freely sold in a number of states.
No one can explicitly forbid idiots from killing themselves on their own accord. But this is immoral when the harm from this is denied publicly and the future generation is fooled (thus vilely preparing the ground for new waves of consumers of this s***), whose health is deliberately undermined by all these corrupt, interested and generally criminal individuals.
People without critical thinking and common sense have become the majority on the planet for a long time. Only the attempts of civic activists and decent experts somehow help to stop these negative trends in civilization. If such activists and experts disappear, there will be even fewer of them - a guaranteed collapse awaits civilization. Basically, this is what it's all about...