For customers who did not buy the "Enhanced (!?!) Auto-Pilot" feature for $6,000, they have a big car to park without the aid of ultrasonic sensors (or the equivalent). Can consumers park these cars without these bells and whistles? Sure. But I can also drive a car that does not have automatic temperature control but greatly prefer driving cars that have it. Been driving over 40+ years and cannot recall the last time I was in a large vehicle without these sensors (or equivalent). Value for money spent matters and the absence of these sensors reduces the value of the car I purchased.
For customers who did buy the "Enhanced(!?!) package, they are entitled to receive what the company clearly offers since they were charged the full $6,000. Whether another driver feels he or she needs those features is really irrelevant.
Free enterprise doesn't mean freedom to bilk consumers out of their money by charging for features that are not fully available.
Our free enterprise system does mean each customer is entitled to decide what features are or are not important.