I have had every version of the Galaxy Note since there were first solid, I have had the S22 (Ultra 512gb, UK spec with Exynos Chip) for a week, having upgraded from a Note 20 Ultra. I have not changed how I use the new phone and it's full of bugs, it has issues with freezing, most of all when trying to take a simple photo (landscape, of various non-moving subjects). You get the subject in focus, press the shoot button and you get at least a second delay before the camera activates. In low light, you can wait for what feels like forever.
Of all the issues, I am most disappointed with the battery life. Okay, it charges far faster than my Note, but I now get at least an hour less battery use out of it. I am finding that I need to put it back on charge by 2pm (after taking it off charge at 9am).
For me, it was Samsung's last chance. Not only is the device disappointing, it costs £529 more in the UK, than if I purchased a far superior US version. Samsung has priced the S22 Ultra 512gb @ $1,600 in the US and £1,600 in the UK. Yet, when you check exchange rates, £1,600 is USD 2,129.
Next move for me will be the iPhone 14 Pro Max in September. It may have far fewer freedoms, but there's no 2nd class customers in Apple's eyes. >:(