Completely agree with this comment and i've seen that many brands took this path - either by sticking heatpipes over the fan's plates, either by making them glued with plastic "bolts" to the rest of the fan's encasing (i'm looking at Asus here) - i can't understand this trend and nothing comes to mind excepting consumerism - limited fan acces -> limited cleaning -> higher temps/trottling/ limited lifespawn!
Also, i don't get it why many bradns place 2 cooling fans at the GPU and one at the CPU, or one bigger at GPU and one smaller at CPU - can't they see that 100% of notebooks have thermal problems with their CPU's and not GPU's? So, they can cool a 120W GPU but not a 45W CPU..makes complete sense..but then again..let the CPU reach the threshold temps because their gonna help on the long rund and lifespawn of the notebook..i would never give a higher percentage than 60% to any brand that doesn't design an efficient, accesible cooling system in their notebooks