I have severe hypoglycemic episodes at night that regularly bring the paramedics to my house to revive me. Those guys know me by name at this point. See, I just don't wake up when I'm in the early stages of hypoglycemia, and so the problem continues until I CAN'T wake up. Even if I do happen to wake, I'm usually already too paralyzed and disoriented to get up, test my bloodsugar, find food, press a medical alert button, or even call out for help. I'm too busy going between severe seizures and passing out to even crawl out of bed.
It is a terrifying experience for those who live with me, too, especially since they usually don't realize there's anything wrong until I don't get up the following morning. I literally died from this once when I was a teenager, and the paramedics were barely able to bring me back that time. I live in fear of the day they will come too late to revive me, and/or my housemates may forget just once to check to see if I'm okay.
As a result, I cannot live alone or more than a few minutes away from a hospital. I am a burden on the people who live with me. I cannot allow myself to sleep more than 4 hours in a row. I often sleep on the floor so if I have to get up with hypoglycemia I don't fall and hurt myself. And, every night when I lay down I am forced to fear that this night will be my last. I can't tell you how many nights I've had to just completely forgo sleep because I can feel one of these episodes coming.
Even if I still couldn't live alone, I might be able to sleep for more than 4 hours before I have to get up to test my bloodsugar. My poor housemates won't be forced to live in terror they'll find me dead or nearly dead in my bed. My family wouldn't torture themselves with worry. My doctor would do the happy dance when I showed him all the data I collected for him, too.
Heck, if this is a real thing, even if it only works accurately 50% of the time, and for some dumb reason they don't approve this for sale in the US, or my insurance company refuses to cover it, I'd be willing to buy one out-of-pocket from somewhere overseas that does allow them.
Test strips cost me $50 a month. The sensor for this is supposedly going to be around $100 per month? Yes. Even if it's not as accurate as whole blood testing and I still have to buy the regular test strips for daytime use on top of the monthly sensors for night, even if I have to get a part time second job to afford the test strips plus the sensor replacements, I want a PKVitality watch yesterday.
There is literally NO solution for someone like me currently on the market. (The closest thing to this on the market at present, you still have to be awake and able enough to hold a cell phone up to the sensor to see a reading. That thing is as useless as a traditional bloodtester to me if I'm asleep or already having a hypoglycemic seizure.)
A device like this PKVitality watch would change my whole life for the better.