This model is a mirage in most of Europe. Nevertheless, those who can wait should definitely do so until next year: AMD will finally have USB 4.0 (i.e., TB support) and Intel will also start shaking things up with Alder Lake.
The X13 Gen 2 would be a fantastic computer were not for AMD's stubbornness in not giving proper consideration to TB and the needs of the professional mobile market. Lenovo's cost excuse to not include TB in the AMD version is the final nail in the coffin, as if the X13 was some budget line were the controller cost would make such a difference.
The review shows this is a great computer and I would have bought it in an heartbeat. Nevertheless, next year I'll have to give proper consideration to the Intel models: and that's a really good thing, more competition is better for everyone, can't allow AMD to become the next Intel (those "two cores are all you'll ever need" mindset and the many security mitigations that took away performance are something I won't forget that easily).