These expansion slots are an amazing idea, furthering user customization abilities. However, offering only a single display model is actually a step backwards in that regard, as the business offerings from the big companies generally have options to choose from. Sure, I get it's difficult for a startup to offer a diverse range of product options, as it adds a lot of risk of not getting the stuff sold. But in that case, why choose a GLOSSY display, instead of a normal, proper display that people can actually use? Offer the glossy s**t as option if you want, but your default offering has to be a solid one.
I am normally not an early adopter, but was really considering it in this instance... but they lost me with the display. A real shame... I hope enough people buy this thing (although I couldn't understand why they would), so that they get a shot at a 2nd gen device, then hopefully a useable one.