I have a hard time imagining how to effectively write a massive amount of complex code on a 14" keyboard, except that it's a little and not difficult.
You'd better look at light weight 15.6-16" models with a full-fledged numpad (which can be used both as a numeric input field and as effective navigation/copy-paste and 2-hand blind input of basic operands, greatly increasing the input speed compared to 14" laptop keyboards ) with light weight and sufficient strength of the body. But if you are already accustomed to cropped 14" keyboards, then the choice is yours. I am practically not interested in the market for 12-14" laptops, except for key models at the time of updating the series, purely to assess the situation in general. Therefore, it's better to ask around for fans of 14" series on the forums.
And in 15.6+ there are enough options, but each has its own selection of key criteria. Formalize them and quickly find what you are looking for. Only you can know what is important to you.