Irregardless of the sales announcement gaffe, the Galaxy Fold is sold-out & unavailable in most areas in the US. Despite that not all major phone carriers offered the smartphone (T-Mobile & Sprint chose not to sell it.) in the US, most unlocked versions have been sold. AT&T has some units available via their stores, Internet, & BestBuy; and some can now be found on Amazon for resale with modest price increases.
Consumers have shown a huge amount of interest & are waiting for more foldable type devices to be made available. The G-Fold is a thicker device but still is very "practical" for daily use. If you never needed to multi-task on your phone, then you may not understand how valuable larger screen space is when you need 2 or more apps at the same time.
The Galaxy Fold was not a failure - definitely was not a "sham". Samsung had those initial "screen failures" early, allowed them the pull-back, make adjustments, & then re-launch. Other such failures by other device makers would have just led to product cancellations.