I think what you meant to say was that Sony phones have always been know for this sleek, rectangular MODERN design while other manufacturers continue to offer the same tired, curvaceous, overly effeminate look found on every generation of Apple devices.
I agree that the bezels on Sony devices may not have always been the slimmest, but standing next to just about anything other than a Razer phone the Sony will undoubtedly appear the more modern device. I don't understand the language in these reviews. It's as though the word "modern" no longer evokes the same concept.
Furthermore, Sony devices should be praised for being just as nice to look at as they are to use. As well, Sony should be commended for placing the fingerprint sensor in the most logical position on nearly all devices (side power button).
You people are ridiculous. Sony has released a few more recent devices with a more curvaceous design language and Sony customers have hated it. The xz2 looks without question to be much older device to the xz1.
You can criticize Sony for poor screen to body ratio (much like Apple), abysmal marketing (especially in the US), but let it never be said that Sony doesn't make modern looking devices of much higher build quality than any other Android manufacturer.