"Which advantages, except for Apple hype (sorry marketing), overpriced HW and lack of ports, exactly?"
...Ones I've already mentioned in my reply to you below. And it's not a hype if they have reasonable selling points, is it?
"is really better "for most people" than this???
Of course not, most people don't need either. What I claimed is, it's definitely superior for "most people" "in a particular demographic" or a specific industry. You might perhaps consider the XPS 15 a likely alternative, but some folks have higher standards, hence they'll find it difficult to settle for anything much less than what the MBP has to offer.
"More than 4000E vs 2100E?"
European price tags are meaningless (no offense). As I was replying to @Sid earlier, people are free to import whatever product they want from a better market. Accordingly, the 2017 15" MBP is around $800 more than the XPS 15-9560. But you know what they say, "You get what you pay for".
"And the cheaper is even more powerful (even if you disagree, but more people have proved it)."
I agree. In fact, I never said the XPS wasn't more powerful. And I don't understand the whole "proving" part either. It's not like the ODMs are keeping their specs undisclosed or anything.
"Sorry, there were times to go Mac (10-15 years ago). Even 5 years ago the 17" MBP was OK, but today there is no PRO MacBook Pro, just an overpriced great looking HW for rich idiots!"
Well, I think you've taken the name "Pro" too seriously! I mean it's probably an inside joke that Apple marketing guys put their head together and came up with, as in "Pro" for "Proprietary"!
But really, they're not overpriced, just awfully expensive, that's all. And by the way, "rich idiots" is a literary oxymoron. In reality, people become rich, only because they are smarter then the rest.
"And one more thing. Jobs was a snobby arrogant a..hole, BUT thanks to his leadership MBs where the best laptops with innovations."
You seem to know him pretty well. If I didn't know any better, I'd think you were his best friend like War Machine is to Iron Man ;)
"Today? The most innovative thing is a Touch Bar, "
Incorrect. Apple is good at discovering and perfecting a certain tech, not innovating it. Like many other things, the Touch Bar was previously used in Lenovo Thinkpads few years ago. And well precedented multiple times in the past for all we know.
"although the competitors have FHD and even 4K "touch bar" - the whole display :)))"
Call me stubborn, but I'm not a fan of touchscreens. From my experience, mixing up an input and an output is only for people who don't really understand how to maximize the benefits of using either. My workflow is simply faster on a traditional setup. Of course, some argue otherwise and I get why. Certain artists and designers may be convinced. But overall, touchscreen on Windows 10 still feels like an amateurish niche to me. If it was something like "Perfect Air Gesture Control", it would be a different story, but sadly, that dream's far from reality.
"Maybe in your country, but there was no problem to repair a 17" Precision in our company."
Maybe in your company, but then again, your company isn't an accurate representation of the global population, including locals from many countries that I've personally traveled in.
"OK, my first reaction was because of this and there is more than one Precision: "That is because the 15" Macbook Pro is superior to the Precision in almost every way." "
My bad. I only assumed I didn't need to add the model number because I felt it was a common courtesy to NBC to keep the discussion primarily on their review unit. But say if I did mean the entire current Precision line of laptops. Don't you think it's a little unreasonable to compare all of them vs one other laptop, considering it's already tough comparing two very similar yet different products?
Oh, and excuse me for constantly repeating myself, by the way. But you know, you've made it a little hard not to ;P