I had a brick for 2 months... crashes, freezes, system instability... bought a NEW nokia 5, same android, same apps, and now i have a phone i can use (well, almost! after a few days of use, this new phone gets SLOW SLOW and SLOW, but at least it does not CRASH!!!)
With my new Nokia 5, CAMERA is UNUSABLE in video mode - always trying to get in focus (affects other nokia mobile versions too)
Camera firmware:
I made a video of the problem: https : //www.youtube.com/watch?v=TCnwObpllVM
I tried several Apps (all with the same issue) and i can finally see a PERFECT VIDEO PROGRESSIVE SMOOTH FOCUS with this app: https : //play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.camdev.lite.camera360
There are other users complainig in your forums: https : //community.phones.nokia.com/support/discussions/topics/7000026646