I read the review for the GS43VR phantom pro and went ahead and bought one. Problem is that my performance is only pretty close to the numbers you had in yours, after consulting a other review of the GS43VR I noticed that that one was closer to the actual performance of my laptop.
So I'm of course wondering how you got so good performance with your review?
In games like Fallout 4 and Dark souls 3 I'm getting 45-60 FPS.
Other review I found: http://www.gaminglaptopsjunky.com/msi-gs43vr-review-gtx-1060-i7/#fallout4
I'm using the 372.70 Nvidia driver and have Windows updated to latest version.
I ramped up the fans so neither the GPU or CPU get to more then 80c. (except one core which goes to 84c under heavy load (used HWinfo)). Playing on "gaming" power mode.
I did a test inside the city area of Fallout 4 and in some parts I can get as low as 39 FPS while playing on maximum settings.
When testing the maximum options on the game Dark Souls 3 I get mostly 55-60 FPS but in some areas it can dip down to 45FPS, also maximum settings.
When looking in the report from HWinfo I also see that individual cores are not using more then 60% which also was the case on the active monitor (dragon center). The GPU does not go up to more then about 70% load in the areas where I see low FPS(GPU temp).