The MI Touch is a piece of junk. Dont buy it. I say this after my own purchase and 2month trial and observing similar experoences of others wasting their money on a Touch.
The first thing that makes the device unusable is the 'Touch'screen ( ironic eh !) The lower section of the screen does`nt register letters typed from a keyborad. Extremely frustrating and off putting.
Next, all Touch`s I`ve seen have the return button placed askew in its housing. It not only looks cheap, its diconcerting...and amazing that the factory QA would let it pass. Apparently, the Touch`s successor the Super, has the power button placed askew.
The bezel is not consistent and has a wider margin left compared to right.
The Touch, like UMI Super, does`nt have NFC.
No use reporting the failures to UMI. Their agent JoJo simply fails to comprehend the complaint and refers you to the reseller. Very poor service where evidently, the failure is with design, manufacture and quality assurance.
Dont buy a UMI Touch.