So sad, so sad, it's a sad, sad situation...Now on a more serious note, all these big companies all they want is to grow. To grow until they blow up, until they absorbe everything. Well, my lappy from 2008 (HP 6930P) is still usable and very good with no defects or faults. So, if you really want to grow, HP, then you should program your devices, just like many other do, to die after the warranty has elapsed. Doing so, you will get a new customers once every 2 years, which is ok. I really think users like me, which stick with a product for a very long time, are a pain in the a**. Don't worry, I'm still not interested in changing this wonderful "relic", as you would call it just to make us customers buy new stuff. And in all fairness, life is more than buying the latest gadget, blah blah blah. Why should I change this if it runs perfectly fine?
The worst part of these financial results is the fact that the lowend employees will take a beating, get fired or lower wages. Managers and people in upper management are not affected. Indeed, it's sad.