I bought mine in November and have been fairly happy with it, untill about a month ago the charger over-burned. This was under very normal circumstances with nothing covering it. According to an electrical technician I spoke to the charger seems to be to small for the power it's putting out and does not allow for the device to breath enough and said that it did not surprise him that it burned over. I live in Iceland and the computer is not sold here (bought mine in Germany) so I could not easily get a replacement. and tried to look for a new universal one but none of them fit since at seems that Asus has designed a non-standard plug. I finally found one that is able ti fit in but does not stay firmly on so it's very tricky keeping in inn while charging.
On the other hand, I replaced the OS with Linux Mint which gave it a bit of a performances boost, although the Wifi became unstable (bought a USB one instead) And after replacing the hard drive with a solid state one the performances became 10x better)