it's hard to quantify whether users care or don't care about their phones, because there will never be any reliable data. From my search of a 2nd hand samsung phone (v. recent), a huge majority of units sold is either Chinese-repaired, or not at all repaired units of this model - with signs of physical impact, i.e. either cracked glass, front or / and back, and many of those, cracks in the corner, which indicate the point of impact - without any case at all. The other typical issue is a burnout (too much tiktok). From this I might draw conclusions that most users don't care about their (expensive) phones, but this would be wrong conclusions: it's just that the MINORITY of people who don't care for their phones, don't. The majority you don't see on ebay, because they're either still in use, or have been 'recycled'.
But yes, it shocked me to see that a huge majority was just cracks to the side or corner, clearly lack of case protection.