QuoteThe file posted by Fenice supposedly weighs in at well over 250 terabytes, and is in a common format that can be opened in Microsoft Excel, Google Sheets
From this sentence we can tell that the person(s) writing this article has/have no idea what he/she/they is/are talking about...
One mistake could be corrected by reviewing the article before submission: 250TB is nonsense. Looking at the screenshot we can tell it is not TB but GB here.
Secondly, google sheet cannot accept such large file, please search such information before writing articles, a google search quickly gives the answer here: https: //support.google.com/drive/answer/37603?hl=en.
Native Excel cannot open such file either as it is limited to ~1 million rows.
I have been reading NotebookCheck for years and come accross this sort of misinformation more often in the past year.
I'd prefer quality over quantity, maybe something NotebookCheck editors/moderators should care about or I will read my news somewhere else.