Sadly (or almost comically) everyone keeps re-posting what anyone interested in a eGPU setup would already know:
- the limited bandwidth would cripple top-of-the-line GPU's in graphics applications
- not using an external monitor eats up bandwidth
- using the external enclosure for other connections eats up bandwidth
Systems that don't have TB, USB4 or Oculink ports but DO have a M.2 port can sometimes be fitted with a DIY TB or Oculink port.
Considering how useless or dismal many iGPU's are the idea of adding even a LOW to Medium end Desktop GPU card in a eGPU setup can be much more cost effective then buying into a 'gaming laptop' if gaming in the wild is not a use requirement.
Besides cost, HEAT is another consideration where an eGPU offloads the considerable power requirements and heat generated by the GPU to the external enclosure.