Me be like: Ok, finally 144 Hz native panel on S95C..but Samdung reduced the bandwidth from 48 Gbps to 40 Gbps..bruh. LG, cume on, now u make 144 Hz panel and u win in this regard. We people PC gamers demand our 144Hz4K4:4:4chroma, not 120Hz4K4:4:4chroma.
Here's how u calc it btw:
144 Hz:
chroma 4:4:4: ((3840+560)*(2160+90)*3*10*( 1 )*144*1.25)/10^9*1.125/1.25 = 48.114 Gbit/s.
chroma 4:2:2: ((3840+560)*(2160+90)*3*10*(2/3)*144*1.25)/10^9*1.125/1.25 = 32.076 Gbit/s.
chroma 4:2:0: ((3840+560)*(2160+90)*3*10*(0.5)*144*1.25)/10^9*1.125/1.25 = 24.057 Gbit/s.
Cume on, we are PC gamers after all and want the most possible out of HDMI 2.1a.
If u, SAMSUNG, don't like HDMI because of license fees, that's understandable, but the please add DisplayPort 2.0. Thanks and nice QD-OLED tech, superior to W-OLED indeed (more efficient, brighter colors, closer to Rec.2020 color space,..)
Also: Dear HDMI Forum, when new HDMI spec so SAMSUNG can go 4K180Hz444chroma or maybe even 4K240Hz444chroma? Older titles are runable at these settings.