If this is successful it will bring about an end to commerce in this country.
The government will control every digital account in this country and determine whether you can or cannot buy a product.
Because your account is digital the government can also go in and take money from it as part of the terms and conditions of the account - IF you VIOLATE what THEY say.
Are we reaching the point, or I should say HAVE WE reached the point where, according to some very reliable sources that we will NOT be able to buy or sell without a digital debit card?
NOTHING will be able to be purchased without the APPROVAL of that transaction IF the GOVERNMENT thinks it MIGHT cause descent from them.
According to the constitution you have the right to possess a firearm but with digital currency will the government ALLOW you to own one – will you even be ALLOWED to buy ammunition.
Will they be able to fine your account and AUTOMATICALLY DEDUCT that fine because you said something that you disagreed with them on?
There are so many, many, many detrimental things that can happen to people when the government bans TANGIBLE currency and go totally digital.