Battery-powered planes seems like a terrible idea. First, while rare, batteries can spontaneously ignite and explode. When the Note 7's were exploding airlines were requiring passengers to turn them off completely, because even a battery as small as that could potentially take down a plane. Yet we want to fill planes with them? Second, batteries are more affected by other factors, such as temperature, and even if these do better in colder temps, colder/warmer temps will still reduce range, and if they do so in an unpredictable way, it could lead to a plane not having the estimated range, which can be disastrous.
Finally, and least significant in terms of risk but most significant due to the fact it will be a guaranteed problem 100% of the time, is the fact that the energy needed for flight needs to be enough to overcome the weight of the energy source. Since batteries have significantly lower energy density than fuel, electric planes will require significantly more energy for the same flight as a regular plane. This is moving in the wrong direction. Granted, that energy may be able to be produced more efficiently and cleaner, but even then, the need for more energy may offset that. The only way this would actually be beneficial would be if the majority of the energy planes use is created via renewable resources and nuclear, which doesn't seem likely.