What I've noticed is a lot 5g phone users over charged for data. Like $500 to 800 for data that is unlimited limited data. Ten bucks a gig.
I've been using the service in monsoon weather. I don't use a commercial ad system called speedtest.
I use the Debug feature of the router and get the router, speed, the firmware settings, and all the analog to digital connection speeds.
Since I've been running it all in the rain off the grid, I can tell you what the real specs are not Silly Phone Valley.
And they are far greater than you think even in the rain or in the trees.
The speed test hasnt changed or continuously improved since 1992 dialup modems.
The debug function will tell you how fast a fast ping is. That's hardware speak not DNS lookups. And that's for each route segment. It seems our FCC is hell bent on disrupting millimeter wave navigation of aircraft, and GPS.
It only took about 30 years to develop all our smart equipment who would think china would build a system that would disrupt us? It didn't work!