It's just a shame to what Dell went down in 2021 with the once legendary 7xxx series. The screen is shameful in terms of color reproduction (which in principle was not in the series before) and contrast, and this is bundled with the outdated Zen2 (5700U), not Zen3 (5850U Pro)!
A shameful card reader. Braking, problematic and outdated wi-fi from Intel (ax210 c 6E has been sold at retail for a long time). And then there is clearly a problem with the reception / transmission of the signal.
The performance of the old Zen2 + 5700U (= 4800U) is clearly artificially understated by 15-20%, just like in HP's business G series. Those. in speed it no longer corresponds to 4800U, but to 5500U (= 4600U).
Thanks at least to the American company for supplying 2 slots, and not as the Chinese Lenovo solves the pitiful 16GB in the "Pro" series with the 5800H monster, which is now being installed in smartphones. Here at least the memory can be easily expanded to 64GB.
Most of all, the noise is surprising - the processor is already slowed down at the factory by at least 15% of the real performance of the 5700U (= 4800U), where does this noise come from? Dell has a clear flaw with the cooling system.
There is enough space on the sides for another usb-a and 2x usb-c ...
In general, with such a shameful screen, his desire to buy already disappears even for 850 euros ...
What do idiots marketers of all companies think about setting the shameful 45-46% NTSC, if with such screens you can't even look at your own photos or work colleagues from a banal smartphone in full color?
Are the marketers of all companies color blind? Maybe it's time to fire these painful ones?