Steam survey is meaningless. Its completely random on what is surveyed. In my 24 years of computer use (and since steams origin) i have NOT ONCE been asked to be a part of their survey. And i have built multiple computers. I even bought an AMD based laptop, still never asked. The one time I buy an intel laptop, steam survey asks me to participate. So since steam started their survey, ive only been asked ONCE to participate.
It would be better of steam surveyed parts on every active user once a month. If you are online the day of survey, it should auto submit data. Just have it part of the ToS. It wont hurt anyone. And then it would be accurate. Until then steam survey is meaningless.
I would rather see retailer data on what is bought sold. Going to my local microcenter AMD cpus are sold out while intel is full stock, FULL STOCK. Even the employees say intel isnt selling like they used to. And then for gpus both brands are sold out....