Well I got the series X because I liked the backwards compatibility and heard that Resident Evil 8 runs like crap on the PS5. Then I bought into the hype of the PS5 and thought I was missing out with the "game changing" dual sense and got one... first of all the White plastic looks cheap, like when a teenager puts a spoiler on a piece of crap car. Right out of the box, I'm not getting 875 gigs from my hard drive, I have just over 600. I love Dark Souls, but it's the same game only with better graphics and the dual sense really doesn't do much for me. It was cool in the demo that comes with the system, but it's as gimmicky as the wii mote. Cyberpunk 2077 absolutely runs better on my series X which tells me that the Series X is a better system and when I buy RE8 it will be for it, not the PS5. I obviously regret dropping the grand on EBay for the PS5.