I very much like this article. Thinkpads routinely get rave reviews, so it's nice to see side-by-side comparisons within the family. Also, throttling is becoming a greater issue of concern to laptop shoppers who do their research, mainly because the problem is getting highlighted by reviewers. The processor throttling issue is not new. Most small laptops show significant throttling when matched with a core i7 processor. It was very apparent last year as well with intel's dual-core, 7th-gen chips. If I remember correctly, the T470s with an i5 processor, reviewed by this website, outperformed last year's thinkpad models sporting i7 processors in Cinebench. Ultimately, a Core i7 in a Thinkpad typically means slightly reduced battery life, increased heat, longer fan noise, and an extra $200 for no significant performance gain. It doesn't seem worth it.