Except that the idiots making the silly comments here don't even know that anybody who really knows about security would never use an iPhone or any phone as it is straight out of the box from the manufacturer.
A truly security aware person would use an Android phone - because the Android is open sourced - root it with open sourced tools and then UNINSTALL all that pre-installed stuff to replace them with open source alternative apps as much as possible. Including installing open sourced, protective/security apps.
Apparently, you idiots don't even know that every phone straight out of the box is filled with bloatware/crapware/malware/adware/junkware/spyware that spies on you or compromises your security by recording what you are doing & uploading your data. If nothing else, they represent an unnecessarily large attack surface of application vulnerabilities. It doesn't matter how secure your entire phone is - all it takes is ONE apps that is vulnerable (or coded with nefarious intent) and you are screwed. That is why rooting is so important - you REMOVE all apps that can't be trusted.
I would never allow Safari, iTunes, Chrome, Internet Explorer, Edge, etc. to sit on my phone/PC/laptop when there are open sourced alternatives! I root my phone the moment I break them out of the retail box. And if I allow any apps from Google to run for instance, it is strictly by choice for their feature set, unlike you fools who don't even know you have a choice. Plus - I make sure I have open source tools requiring root, like AFWall, to firewall-block apps so they don't ever get to access my mobile data and waste my money uploading/downloading crap.
Go learn something you fools - or revisit what Edward Snowden revealed those recent years (2014) ago - instead of yapping like smart alec fools.