"...although the higher refresh rates on mobile devices do not really make sense..."
Provided the extra Hz is free (like retina resolution), and doesn't cost noticeable extra power, it's still quite noticeable for things like browser scrolling and other stuff.
The problem is the jump from 60Hz to 90Hz is only 1.5x improvement in motion clarity. Reducing motion blur only by a third. That's pretty pitiful on a small screen. However, increasing 60Hz to 240Hz on a small smartphone, if it can be done at zero additional cost (battery wise, power wise, cost wise), can reduce motion blur by 75%. This begins to finally be more noticeable for things like browser scrolling.
Let's remember the former mainstream media claims that retina resolutions was not worth it for mobiles. Famous last words -- and the same applies to retina refresh rates.
Moore's Law of refresh rates is that refresh rates approximately double every 5-10 years, and this will continue through the 21st century especially as it becomes low cost / free / included, much like retina-ization of mobile screens.