Bolt vs Unifying logi devices: as incompatible as oil and water.
They do not mix at all.
The Logitech Signature M650 (with Bolt) can pair with any other USB Bolt dongle.
Any USB Bolt dongle can pair with six (6) Bolt compatible devices as of this writing (info from Logitech Options software).
HOWEVER, this entire Bolt ecosphere of mouse/keyboard/Bolt-USB-dongle is incompatible with the older (legacy?) Unifying mouse/keyboard/USB-Unifying-dongle.
For example, my MX Anywhere 3 with USB-Unifying-dongle can pair with any other USB Unifying dongle.
Any USB Unifying dongle can pair with six (6) Unifying compatible devices as of this writing (info from Logitech Options software).
HOWEVER, this entire Unifying ecosphere of mouse/keyboard/Unifying-USB-dongle is incompatible with the newer (replacement?) Bolt mouse/keyboard/USB-Bolt-dongle.