AMD was not pathetic when it was in deep s***, they struggled with what they had at their disposal - and for them it was far less than Intel has now. Did it seem that I was bashing Intel for being stuck on 14 nm (now +++) ? They could hit 14 nm ++++++++++ for all I care, as long as it keeps AMD in check and does not allow them to push prices sky high, it's a win for all consumers. As a side note, I love AMD and have been using only their chips (and Radeon carts starting back in the ATI days) for almost two decades, and now I am stuck with Intel and NVIDIA (i3 2120 and GTX 750 Ti). No matter what I love as a brand, when I decide to do a major system upgrade, I only take into account the products that provide me the best bang for the buck ratio and, in some cases, I focus on reliability alone. That's why my next UPS - if I need to change my existing APC one - will be made by APC for sure, and my next PSU - if I don't die before my Seasonic Fanless Platinum decides to stop working - will be made by Seasonic.